Funding Request

Young girl with short dark blonde hair wearing a white hoodie, brown vintage aviation googles and cap carrying a toy rocket ship on her back while raising her right hand in a victory pose

Kiwanis International is a service organization for people of all ages dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time. 

The University District Kiwanis Foundation has a three-fold mission: to assist small local nonprofit programs (annual budgets less than $2,000,000), to support local youth, and to manage and disburse scholarships from our dedicated endowment funds.  

We ask all organizations seeking funding to present at one of our monthly membership meetings, which are generally scheduled on Zoom on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 12:00 – 1:00.   If you haven’t already met with us, we’ll reach out to schedule time with you.

Following your presentation, our Board of Directors will discuss your request and communicate a decision within 6-8 weeks.

Funding Request

Tell us about yourself

Tell us about your organization
